from previous data show... last time increase 40cents since doesnt affect pak lah...
sure lo... he nvr going to buy petro... rite?
why malaysia petro is made by other country?
our GOOd PM would like to sell our good petro to oversea, then buy the low class petro back...
so? low class doesnt no petro rite? n also is from oversea rite?
so haf a good reason to increase the petro...
ok... now i say why he is father of BN....
bcos he like Barang Naik!
so... he is Father of Barang Naik! like Barisan Ne. rite? like increase tol fees la...
fight wif malaysian la... said malaysia chinese no malaysian la... malaysia indian also no malaysian la...
only belief BN only is malaysian la....
so childish.....
he did a GOOD job for all malaysians.....